Maybe I should consider updating my blog every once in a blue moon. Not that anyone ever reads it, but now that I know my bestie has linked my blog from her blog, I'm feeling a little guilty that someone might unknowingly stumble over here and be like "WTF? This blog sucks!" So here I am giving you a little update.
I am up to my eyeballs in school work. That is where most of my energy is spent theses days. And speaking of energy, I have to teach an energy lesson on static electricity to a bunch of 4th graders in like 2 months. I HATE science. Not my favorite subject, so I'm none to thrilled about the prospect of this. My first actual teaching experience in a classroom and I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing. School is actually going pretty well though. I am enjoying it and have met some awesome girls in my classes.
Now the update on the fam. The kiddos are doing well. Bax is already planning for his 5th bday party in June and I'm already crying that I have to register him for kindergarten in April. HE'S GOING TO KINDERGARTEN!! That means that I have been a mommy long enough to have a school age child. He will no longer fall into the preschooler category. WHAAA!!!!! Izzy is super excited about her bday too. She thinks that once she is 3 that she will just be gorwn. Her bday is in 1 month. Exactly 3 years ago on Saturday I was 8 months preggo, Jimmy had a stomach virus, the movers were moving us from our apartment to our house on base, and it was -40 and snowing. It was an incredibly fun day. (can your hear sarcasm in type?) JImmy is back in school too. He's taking night classes at JCJC and I want to crawl in a hole just thinking about taking the classes that he's taking. The words micro, a&p, and nutrition make my skin crawl. YUCK! he's working for his bro printing tshirts and all is right in our world.
That's about all the newness for now. I will honestly try to update this webpage more often. I have a couple of cavases that I have done recently and I need to get pics of them up. I also have some great new pics of the kids that need to go up. Maybe I'll get to all that jazz this weekend...
What is Izzy's bday theme this year. Ella is saying Princess. I think I see at lease 5 princess parties in my future. :/
Oh and FOUR days til you BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
You's gettin' old baby.
Izzy is super obsessed with my little pony. So I think we are going to go that route. I'm gonna ask Jimmy's aunt to bring the little horses out again. That would be cute at a My Little Pony party. Of course every now and then she'll decide she wants a Hello Kitty party, or a Disney Princess party, or a Hannah Montana party, or a ...
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